Senin, 04 September 2017

thought #1 

 2017년 9월 4

i think 

a lot

i love thinking 

i love making little conversation inside my head, imagining things that would never become true

i love thinking 

because when you think, people don't react 

people don't comment

people's comment sucks

i think alot

i even make up my own theories 

about how this world made 

about the gravities

about the sky 

about the whole universe

i like philosophy 

because i like thinking 

do you get it? 

it's okay if you don't 

sometimes i don't understand things too 

i love thinking 

i even added `think` on my to do list, and highlight it as a  'must-do' activity. 

there is no limit for thinking 

you can think about whatever you want.

 i always scared

scared of people who can read minds

because my mind is so full of dark things, and i don't want to share it


Things You can learn from latest Disney Movie "MOANA"
And the soundtrack 100% stuck in my head
Before mentioning things that we can learn from Moana, let me talk about my impression about this movie. 
I'm gonna start of by saying, this movie really really gives impact in my life, all the songs, all the quotes from Moana's granny really gotten into me 
Ever since i saw the movie back in 12 December i can't stop singing "You're Welcome" song by Maui, it was just... AMAZING!!
Oh yeah, talking about Maui, HE'S MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IN MOANA. 
I didn't watch any of Moana trailer before i watch the actual movie in cinema, so i didn't expect Maui to be this funny, realistic guy. 
At first i thought Maui was going to be this fierce, rude character i thought he will be one of the antagonist character. BUT IT TURNS OUT DIFFERENT YO! 
You know the scene when Moana and Maui met for the first time and Maui started singing, I'M IN SHOCK I REALLY REALLY SHOCK. 
I don't know why i like Maui the most. He was rude to Moana in some scene and he's really really pessimist. Maybe because i relate to him so much, i know how it felt when you're chasing love from some people, you do everything for them. i know how it felt too when suddenly people throw you away just because you make one mistake, they constantly forgot a thousand good things you do for them.
Okay, back to the main idea of this post, things you can learn from Moana:

1. You learn about being who you are 
   In the movie, Moana questioned herself over and over again "who am i?" sometimes she was this girl with full responsibility as the chief daughter, and sometime she was this girl who love the sea so much. Moana spend a lot of time thinking is she the chief daughter or this girl who have bond with the ocean, and then she realise, she's both 

   She's the girl who love sea and she's also the chief daughter with full responsibility to protect her village. 

2. You're confident about being yourself 

   This one i got from Moana's granny. She didn't bother called crazy as long as she's free to do what she likes. 

3. Good movies didn't have to include romance 
   Moana didn't have a romance component which is something i like. Because kids nowadays already talking about dating, love life, boyfriend girlfriend ,and that kind of stuff. 
   Everytime i watch frozen i always cringe everytime the character talk about love (love in boyfriend girlfriend course tho'). But who knows, maybe someday disney will release another version of Moana and that version include love thingy :D 

4. Don't be pessimist 
   Don't be afraid to try something. Even if you fail before, don't be constantly pessimist, don't give up easily. You need to have this inner motivation that you can do things, you can. Just believe in yourself

Maybe for now, that's all. Thank you so much for reading my blog
(perhaps i will make a part2 of this :O )

See you in the next post! 


Sabtu, 21 Januari 2017

happy new year!!!
This is my first post in 2017.
In 2017 I learn so many things and it would be boring if i make "what i learn in 2016" article, pffftt so mainstream

This post is just to notify you guys, that i will start to write this blog in english, cause i want this blog to gain more readers in international form. 

Let me know what should i write in 2017, 
Any content ideas? just email me! or hit my instagram 
@yolandacld ;;;)


Sabtu, 05 November 2016

Sekali lagi minta maaf baru update sekarang :"""
Di bulan oktober benar-benar gak bisa ngupload karena satu dan dua hal dan tiga hal dan empat hal yang mengganggu hidup kentang. 
Oke, pasti tau dong berita yang lagi heboh banget artikel nya dimana-mana. Demo 4 november benar-benar mendominasi semua website dan televisi berita ya, gak ada website berita yang gak ngebahas kejadian 4 november ini. 
4 november itu sebenarnya ada kejadian apa sih?
Nah buat yang gak tau, kemaren, atau 4 november 2016, terjadi demonstrasi rakyat yang ingin menurunkan ahok. (padahal sih kata nya demo damai 4 november) (terus katanya sih jam 6 malem mau bubar, eh masih aja nongkrong di bunderan HI muter-muter kayak di mekah aja bos) hahah becanda wkwk
Banyak, banyak, banyak banget isu soal 4 november ini, katanya yang diem-diem ngerencanain itu sby lah, katanya yang ikut demo dibayar lah, banyak sekali, gue aja sempat bingung mau nanggepin dari sisi mana. Kebanyakan bos. 

Kalo kentang sih, nanggepin nya dari cara mereka nge demo aja ya,mereka tuh nge demo gak karu-karuan, ampe nutup-nutup jalan dimana-mana, jadi macet dah dimana-mana. 

Terus kentang juga banyak ngelihat foto-foto demo mereka kan ya, tulisan-tulisan yang mereka pegang tuh gak enak banget buat dibaca

Hati hancur ngeliat nya, sejauh ini kata Kentang, Ahok tuh udah banyak ngelakuin perubahan di Jakarta. Banyak banget malah. Dan cuma gara-gara kesalahpahaman hastag #temanahok langsung dirubah ama rakyat jadi #TolakAhok. ???

Emang bener ya. Gue pernah ngebaca quotes gini:

"Kalaupun ad a 100 kebaikan yang kau lakukan pada orang lain, jika kau membuat 1 kesalahan saja, orang itu bisa melupakan sekejap mata semua 100 kebaikan mu itu"

Apa itu yang dialami ahok ya?

Masih banyak foto foto demo yang benar-benar membuat geram, padahal sayang nya kentang juga cuma rakyat biasa, cuma bisa nulis blog kaya gini, buat ngerubah cara berpikir orang.

demo 4 november ricuh 

Tau gak satu hal yang tiba-tiba muncul dipikiran gue pas ngelihat foto ini? Gue pengen nyeret John Lennon dan Yoko Ono dari masa lalu dan nyuruh mereka bikin kampanye #GIVEPEACEACHANCE disini. Gila kalo itu bisa terjadi mah, keren abis. 

Aksi damai apa nya ya? mau ngakak

Gue sih kasian nya ama orang yang ngeberesin jalanan nya abis ini. Atau jangan-jangan abis demonstrasi ini, yang ngebersihin masih team orange ahok? gils gils

Oh ya ada yang nge hits lohh

Tadi pagi gue nonton berita dah


Pak Jokowi nge hits pake bomber jacket zara wkwk

Gue sih ngakak parah dulu baru gue share kemana-mana. Gila sih Pak Jokowi hitz abis. Jangan-jangan nge betak punya kaesang tuh wkwk. 

Kita ambil positive nya aja yekan gengz, jangan asal nuduh-nuduh kayak fpi, suka bingung loh kenapa orang-orang seperti mereka cara pandang nya seperti itu. 

Dan kalo lo, orang yang ikut demo kemaren, ngebaca blog ini, semoga berubah ya cara pandang nya. 

wkwk sekian ya, sampai jumpa di artikel berikut nya (maaf kalo kurang akurat berita nya atau ada yang salah, semua narasumber dari internet dan tv lokal)

